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Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for new first year students 2016 [schema type=”event” evtype=”EducationEvent” url=”” name=”Tejas Engineers Academy” description=”Mathematics and physics are difficult subject having lots of numerical based problems, topics like Taylor series, Mc Laurin series, Leibnitz theorem, requires lot of practice. Students who join engineering tuitions in Delhi for Mathematics and physics get an added advantage over other students. ” sdate=”2016-07-15″ stime=”12:30 pm” edate=”2016-07-15″ duration=”03:00″
Following is the time table for Engineering tuitions in Delhi for 2nd Feb Any one of you can attend the class. 3 pm to 4 pm :- Microprocessor and microcontroller 3 pm to 4 pm: – Engineers Maths batch for DTU students 4pm to 5 pm:- Network analysis and synthesis 4 pm to 5 pm :- Engineering mathematics batch for USIT students 5 pm to 6