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Archive for the ‘Electrical Tech. Tutor’ Category

  • Schedule of Tuition In Delhi

    Schedule of Tuition In Delhi

    Following is the schedule of B.Tech tuition in Delhi at our institute. Subject : Digital System Design Time 9.30 – 11 AM In This lecture we will cover Finite state machines design using VHDL. Finite state machine is very important topic a question always comes in final examination, most of the students not understand formation of state diagram of overlapping and non overlapping sequence detector. We

    Tejas_Engineers_Academy October 25, 2016 More
  • Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for new first year students 2016

    Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for new first year students 2016

    Engineering Tuitions in Delhi for new first year students 2016 [schema type=”event” evtype=”EducationEvent” url=”” name=”Tejas Engineers Academy” description=”Mathematics and physics are difficult subject having lots of numerical based problems, topics like Taylor series, Mc Laurin series, Leibnitz theorem, requires lot of practice. Students who join engineering tuitions in Delhi for Mathematics and physics get an added advantage over other students. ” sdate=”2016-07-15″ stime=”12:30 pm” edate=”2016-07-15″ duration=”03:00″

    Btech_Institute June 19, 2016 More

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