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Archive for the ‘B Tech coaching in delhi for Galgotia University’ Category

  • B Tech Tuitions in Delhi

    B Tech Tuitions in Delhi

    Question:- Our child is finding it difficult to solve numerical problems. Can you give tuition for solving numerical only. Answer: We are the only institute who is giving B Tech coaching in Delhi for solving numerical problems only. Question:- Our child is studying in a private college and he is finding it difficult to clear the backlog papers, he is staying in hostel, will you give

    Tejas_Engineers_Academy August 15, 2019 More
  • B.Tech coaching and tuitions for Second semester

    B.Tech coaching and tuitions for Second semester

    Second Semester contains subject like, Maths-2, Mechanics, Physics and EDC. Maths contains topics like Partial Differentitation, Partial Differential equations, Laplace Transform, Vector calculus and multiple integrals. Such topics are in detail and most of the difficult back of the chapter exercises come in exams. Most of the students and not did this in previous classes so finds it difficult to cope without some extra help. We

    Tejas_Engineers_Academy December 30, 2018 More

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