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Archive for the ‘ Training in Delhi’ Category

  • Online B Tech Coaching In The Present Situation

    Online B Tech Coaching In The Present Situation

    We are giving online classes for all the subject using zoom platform. We are also sharing notes pdf and video recording on private basis. Student is given full support in terms of solving the problems faced by his or her. In current situation when college are off, students are not paying much attention toward the studies of next semester. We are giving online classes to solve

    Tom June 18, 2020 More
  • B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for engineering maths

    B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for engineering maths

    Engineering Maths is a crucial subject of first four semesters of most of the universities. Engineering maths one contains difficult topics like, Curve tracing, radius of curvature, reduction formulae etc. Such topics are difficult to cover in self study, one of the student of ip university, Rajesh told us that out of four Maths one was found to be much difficult to him, because of above

    Btech_Institute April 7, 2019 More

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