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Archive for the ‘B.Tech Individual Tuition’ Category

  • B.Tech Maths, Electrical, Physics tuitions in Delhi

    B.Tech Maths, Electrical, Physics tuitions in Delhi

    First term exams are coming for universities like, IPU, MDU, KUK, DTU etc. We are giving all subject tuitions for universities like IPU, MDU. Students are coming from colleges like MSIT, MAIT, BPIT, BVP, NIEC, GEC, DTC, MVSIT, BMIT etc. We are giving weekend B.Tech tuitions in Delhi for subjects like, Electrical Technology, Physics 1, Mathematics-1 (First year), Datastructures, Signal system, Circuit system, Maths three, STLD

    Tom September 14, 2019 More
  • B.Tech subjects tuitions in Delhi

    B.Tech subjects tuitions in Delhi

    There are many engineering university in and around Delhi NCR. Admissions are taking place at this time and new session is going to start this August. Following are the important subjects which are being taught in our institute. Engineering Mathematics:- Engineering Maths of first semester contains chapters like:- Infinite series, Matrices, Asymptotes curve tracing, Radius of curvature, reduction formulae, single integration, first order and linear differential

    Btech_Institute July 14, 2019 More

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