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Call Us :9899927912 , 9999070890
Lack of time available:- In B.Tech studies of any branch the amount of time available for actual self study. Most of the time goes to preparing practical files and for preparing the viva. You can join B.Tech tuition in Delhi for your difficult subjects like Maths, ET, Phy, Mechanics etc. Difficulty level of exams:- Due to rising unemployments in the industry , Authorities are going to
Anurag is a final year student in MD University doing Electronics and communication engineering. He told us that many of his subjects like, Digital signal processing, signals and systems, EMFT, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Applied Maths, Engineering mechanics, electronics devices, and analog electronics are highly difficult. Mass backlogs are created every year. He told“I was in a search of B.Tech tuition in Delhi for Microprocessor and microcontroller last