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Electrical Technology B.Tech tuitions in Delhi

Following is the booklet being provided at our academy for B.Tech tuition of Electrical Technology. Many students finds it convenient to write their own notes in class room. We give them soft copy for quick reference, it contains many solved examples and unsolved questions. Most of the Questions covered in this booklet are previous university questions.

We have seen students these days looking for Electrical Technology B.Tech tuitions in Delhi and we are giving some quick reference notes. It is one of the difficult subject of Engineering for which students find difficult to solve exam questions. We encountered a parent of a student studying in Manipal university, they told us, these days it is difficult to find B.Tech tuition classes in Delhi because quality teachers are very less. In the search of B.Tech tuition in Delhi our child is going about 20 km away from his residence. In many cases we have seen that parents tend to join nearby institute and quickly leave that tuition centre after being unsatisfied. Rohan is our past student who is settled in USA, he writes to us that : It was very difficult for me to clear my backlog papers in very limited time. I joined your institute then quickly completed the syllabus in just 20 days for three major difficult subject in which I was having a backlog. There are many other examples too. But many parents are in a search of good B.Tech tuition in Delhi on nearby location. They have their ward studying in far away college but finding it difficult to cope with the vast syllabus. Rajan told us that “When I was in fourth semester my all teachers were south Indians and I was not ablet to understand even a single word they speak”. It is a growing problem of Indian universities in which they do not understand the lecture being provided by faculty members. There are few institutes which offer B.Tech tuition in Delhi specifically to students those only understand regional languages. Many parents these days are asking for B.Tech tuition in Delhi for giving online classes to their child.

We recommend Second semester students of B.Tech to read this booklet and take quick reference as it is highly useful for them to score good marks in their examination.

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